We welcome any general comments about our services and any suggestions in which we can improve our services to you.
- Our complaints procedure will be confidentially managed
- Our complaints manager will investigate all complaints
- In the event of a complaint being directed against the complaints manager, it will be referred to our Medical Director
- In the event of complaint please refer to our complaint’s procedure
- Complaints will be acknowledged within 7 working days via email
- An explanation will be provided within 28 days
- We record all complaints within our quality management system
- In the event of a complaint email info@pharmaceutra.co.uk and enter ‘complaints’ as the title of your email
- If required, an interview will be set up at a convenient time to hear the complaint in full
- A family member/carer may liaise with the complaints manager on behalf of the complainant with a valid written authority
- if you are not satisfied with our outcome complainant can approach to a higher authority if necessary
- An Internal investigation will be carried out with due diligence with a root cause analysis conducted
- Corrective and preventative actions will be put in place
- The findings will be discussed locally within the organisation
- Where possible, a response will be sent within 28 days
- If an investigation is not completed within 28 days, an explanation of the delay will be sent, and a full response made within seven days of a conclusion being reached
- If further investigation or discussion is necessary, the person who complained will be given further information on how to pursue the matter through the appropriate authorities
- A team member may be suspended pending investigation
- All complaints will be audited annually or earlier as required