By Dr. Luke Wright - Medical Officer

Updated: Apr 5, 2019

Whether you’re in pain for a short while or have a condition where you need to manage pain daily, there’s a pain medication that can help. Now with so many to choose from, you might be wondering how to pick the one that’s right for you.

Well in this pain medication comparison guide, we’ll look at 8 different pain medications and help you decide.

There are some pain medications you can buy for yourself, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and paracetamol. And these tend to help with general pain, such as headaches or muscle soreness.

If you need a stronger painkiller, you might use codeine or naproxen as your next step. You can get codeine or naproxen from a pharmacy after speaking to a pharmacist about your pain. But you should only use these painkillers for a short time. Needing to use them for more than a few days means it’s best to see a doctor for advice on what to do next.

If you need a stronger painkiller, you might use codeine or naproxen as your next step. You can get codeine or naproxen from a pharmacy after speaking to a pharmacist about your pain. But you should only use these painkillers for a short time. Needing to use them for more than a few days means it’s best to see a doctor for advice on what to do next.

Your doctor will speak to you about your pain and suggest a painkiller that should keep the pain at bay. They’ll probably start you off with a higher strength of codeine or naproxen. And if the pain doesn’t go away and it’s affecting your daily life, you’ll get a different prescription pain medication. These include amitriptyline, gabapentin and morphine.

Sometimes, you’ll need to take painkillers to get through your day. Your doctor will understand this and can put your medication on a repeat prescription slip. Then you can get your painkillers regularly without having to see your doctor for them every time. And for peace of mind, you can order your pain medication before you run out. If you already receive NHS repeat prescriptions for medication, then order with us and have your prescription delivered to your home for free.

At the end of this guide, we’ll give you some handy advice on what to do if you need pain medication and how to get it.