What we can do

Covid-19 has changed how the UK thinks about healthcare forever. The pandemic put the NHS – how it works, how it is funded and what its future might be - at the centre of the biggest news story of our lifetimes.

This historic challenge has demanded significant sacrifices from NHS clinicians and patients, but has also sparked extraordinary fresh thinking, creativity and innovation across our healthcare system.

The next decade will present daunting structural challenges to our service. Nowhere is this pressure on the NHS felt more acutely than at the local level. Across the country primary care is at the fulcrum point where national health strategy meets local clinical need. The challenges they face are immense and growing, but our collective response to Covid-19 shows how we can begin to tackle them.

What we believe


We believe in what we do, and care about being better. Through user testing and collaborative communication, we never lose sight of the patients and clinicians we serve, and the very real problems and frustrations they face.


We were the first to break into the digital healthcare space, and with the expertise at our disposal, we set the standards for others to follow. Our journey has just begun, and whether you're a patient, GP or other clinician - you’re more than welcome to join us.


We add value to every part of Pharmaceutra experience. From our website to our articles, and everything in between, we measure and revisit each element on an ongoing basis so that we only ever exceed expectations.

We're here to help!

Just like in a physical consultation, the online doctor will discuss your symptoms. As it's a video consultation, they can also take a look at any affected areas, or listen out for symptoms. Where medication is needed for you to get better, the GP can issue a prescription.
Once you have signed up for an account, you can book online doctors appointments on our website. Once it’s time for your consultation, you’ll enter our online waiting room, and the doctor will see you as soon as possible.
Once you have consulted with a clinician over video they will advise if you need medication. They will then generate a prescription and send this to your local pharmacy for you to collect.
By agreeing to share your records, notes made in your consultation will be available to your local surgery.